Welcome to Fybagrate, the UK’s leading manufacturer of coloured craft felt and non-woven needle felts for nearly 40 years

We have a comprehensive range of technical non-wovens for use across many industries. If you have a speciality textile requirement, it’s highly likely we have the solution!

Technical, non-woven needle felts

Fybagrate - Innovators in FeltFYBAGRATE is the one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of technical and industrial non-woven needle felts

Coloured craft felts & display felts

Fybafelt - Coloured Craft FeltsFYBAFELT is the leading manufacturer of felt for crafts, education, display and habadashery 

Equestrian products

Fybagee - Equestrian Felt ProductsFYBAGEE – Equestrian products including saddle pads, Fybagee leg pads Slix grooming tools. 

Why choose Fybagrate?

Fybagrate are the only manufacturer of coloured felts in the UK and has established its place at the forefront of Felt and non-woven production through diversity, innovation and ingenuity.

  • On-site manufacturing
  • Over fifty years of combined technical and sales experience
  • Experienced, long serving and reliable workforce
  • Extensive portfolio of customers and products

Our production facilities

Coloured felts, in both rolls and cut parts, are offered together with a bespoke finishing service tailored to provide a high quality product and packaging specification to exceed the demands of industry.

  • In house felt conversion (cutting) and packaging
  • Available for small batch manufacture, one offs or specialist products
  • Support from an industry wide selection of raw material suppliers

That’s just a taster of Fybagrate’s High Quality Coloured Felt Service – enough to make you want to discuss your project…?